Lake Natron Bird Checklist
Lake Natron Bird Checklist is a perfect have for any traveler on a Tanzania birding safari, in the Lake Natron area. The critically endangered White-backed Vulture and Ruepell’s Griffon can also be found here.
Ostriches: Struthionidae |
1 | Common Ostrich | Struthio camelus |
Ducks: Anatidae |
2 | White-faced Whistling-Duck | Dendrocygna viduata |
3 | Fulvous Whistling-Duck | Dendrocygna bicolor |
4 | Knob-billed Duck | Sarkidiornis melanotos |
5 | Egyptian Goose | Alopochen aegyptiaca |
6 | Spur-winged Goose | Plectropterus gambensis |
7 | Blue-billed Teal | Spatula hottentota |
8 | /Northern Shoveler/ | Spatula clypeata |
9 | Cape Teal | Anas capensis |
10 | Red-billed Duck | Anas erythrorhyncha |
Guineafowl: Numididae |
11 | Helmeted Guineafowl | Numida meleagris |
Pheasants, Grouse, and Allies: Phasianidae |
12 | Crested Francolin | Ortygornis sephaena |
13 | Coqui Francolin | Campocolinus coqui |
14 | Harlequin Quail | Coturnix delegorguei |
15 | Scaly Spurfowl | Pternistis squamatus |
16 | Hildebrandt’s Spurfowl | Pternistis hildebrandti |
17 | Yellow-necked Spurfowl | Pternistis leucoscepus |
Flamingos: Phoenicopteridae |
18 | Greater Flamingo | Phoenicopterus roseus |
19 | &Lesser Flamingol | Phoenicoparrus minor |
Grebes: Podicipedidae |
20 | Little Grebe | Tachybaptus ruficollis |
Pigeons and Doves: Columbidae |
21 | Speckled Pigeon | Columba guinea |
22 | Mourning Collared-Dove | Streptopelia decipiens |
23 | Red-eyed Dove | Streptopelia semitorquata |
24 | Ring-necked Dove | Streptopelia capicola |
25 | Laughing Dove | Spilopelia senegalensis |
26 | Emerald-spotted Wood-Dove | Turtur chalcospilos |
27 | Namaqua Dove | Oena capensis |
Sandgrouse: Pteroclidae |
28 | Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse | Pterocles exustus |
29 | Black-faced Sandgrouse | Pterocles decoratus |
Bustards: Otididae |
30 | Kori Bustard | Ardeotis kori |
31 | White-bellied Bustard | Eupodotis senegalensis |
32 | Buff-crested Bustard | Lophotis gindiana |
33 | Black-bellied Bustard | Lissotis melanogaster |
Turacos: Musophagidae |
34 | Bare-faced Go-away-bird | Crinifer personatus |
35 | White-bellied Go-away-bird | Crinifer leucogaster |
Cuckoos: Cuculidae |
36 | Red-chested Cuckoo | Cuculus solitarius |
37 | /Common Cuckoo/ | Cuculus canorus |
38 | African Cuckoo | Cuculus gularis |
39 | White-browed Coucal | Centropus superciliosus |
40 | Klaas’s Cuckoo | Chrysococcyx klaas |
Nightjars and Allies: Caprimulgidae |
41 | Sombre Nightjar | Caprimulgus fraenatus |
42 | Donaldson Smith’s Nightjar | Caprimulgus donaldsoni |
43 | Slender-tailed Nightjar | Caprimulgus clarus |
44 | Square-tailed Nightjar | Caprimulgus fossii |
Swifts: Apodidae |
45 | Mottled Spinetail | Telacanthura ussheri |
46 | Mottled Swift | Tachymarptis aequatorialis |
47 | |Common Swift| | Apus apus |
48 | Nyanza Swift | Apus niansae |
49 | Little Swift | Apus affinis |
50 | White-rumped Swift | Apus caffer |
Cranes: Gruidae |
51 | Gray Crowned-Crane | Balearica regulorum |
Stilts and Avocets: Recurvirostridae |
52 | Black-winged Stilt | Himantopus himantopus |
53 | Pied Avocet | Recurvirostra avosetta |
Plovers and Lapwings: Charadriidae |
54 | /Black-bellied Plover/ | Pluvialis squatarola |
55 | /Common Ringed Plover/ | Charadrius hiaticula |
56 | Three-banded Plover | Charadrius tricollaris |
57 | Blacksmith Lapwing | Vanellus armatus |
58 | Spur-winged Lapwing | Vanellus spinosus |
59 | Black-winged Lapwing | Vanellus melanopterus |
60 | Crowned Lapwing | Vanellus coronatus |
61 | Wattled Lapwing | Vanellus senegallus |
62 | /Caspian Plover/ | Anarhynchus asiaticus |
63 | Kittlitz’s Plover | Anarhynchus pecuarius |
64 | Chestnut-banded Plover | Anarhynchus pallidus |
Sandpipers and Allies: Scolopacidae |
65 | /Common Snipe/ | Gallinago gallinago |
66 | /Common Sandpiper/ | Actitis hypoleucos |
67 | /Green Sandpiper/ | Tringa ochropus |
68 | /Marsh Sandpiper/ | Tringa stagnatilis |
69 | /Wood Sandpiper/ | Tringa glareola |
70 | /Common Greenshank/ | Tringa nebularia |
71 | /Ruff/ | Calidris pugnax |
72 | /Curlew Sandpiper/ | Calidris ferruginea |
73 | /Little Stint/ | Calidris minuta |
Buttonquail: Turnicidae |
74 | Small Buttonquail | Turnix sylvaticus |
Pratincoles and Coursers: Glareolidae |
75 | Bronze-winged Courser | Rhinoptilus chalcopterus |
76 | Double-banded Courser | Smutsornis africanus |
77 | Temminck’s Courser | Cursorius temminckii |
78 | Collared Pratincole | Glareola pratincola |
Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers: Laridae |
79 | Gray-hooded Gull | Chroicocephalus cirrocephalus |
80 | African Skimmer | Rynchops flavirostris |
81 | /Gull-billed Tern/ | Gelochelidon nilotica |
82 | Whiskered Tern | Chlidonias hybrida |
83 | /White-winged Tern/ | Chlidonias leucopterus |
Storks: Ciconiidae |
84 | African Openbill | Anastomus lamelligerus |
85 | /Abdim’s Stork/ | Ciconia abdimii |
86 | /White Stork/ | Ciconia ciconia |
87 | Marabou Stork | Leptoptilos crumenifer |
88 | Yellow-billed Stork | Mycteria ibis |
Anhingas: Anhingidae |
89 | African Darter | Anhinga rufa |
Cormorants and Shags: Phalacrocoracidae |
90 | Long-tailed Cormorant | Microcarbo africanus |
91 | Great Cormorant | Phalacrocorax carbo |
Pelicans: Pelecanidae |
92 | Great White Pelican | Pelecanus onocrotalus |
93 | Pink-backed Pelican | Pelecanus rufescens |
Shoebill: Balaenicipitidae |
94 | Shoebill | Balaeniceps rex |
Hamerkop: Scopidae |
95 | Hamerkop | Scopus umbretta |
Herons, Egrets, and Bitterns: Ardeidae |
96 | Little Bittern | Ixobrychus minutus |
97 | Little Egret | Egretta garzetta |
98 | Western Cattle Egret | Bubulcus ibis |
99 | Great Egret | Ardea alba |
100 | Yellow-billed Egret | Ardea brachyrhyncha |
101 | Gray Heron | Ardea cinerea |
102 | Black-headed Heron | Ardea melanocephala |
103 | Goliath Heron | Ardea goliath |
Ibises and Spoonbills: Threskiornithidae |
104 | Glossy Ibis | Plegadis falcinellus |
105 | African Sacred Ibis | Threskiornis aethiopicus |
106 | Hadada Ibis | Bostrychia hagedash |
107 | African Spoonbill | Platalea alba |
Secretary-bird: Sagittariidae |
108 | Secretarybird | Sagittarius serpentarius |
Hawks, Eagles, and Kites: Accipitridae |
109 | African Harrier-Hawk | Polyboroides typus |
110 | Egyptian Vulture | Neophron percnopterus |
111 | Lappet-faced Vulture | Torgos tracheliotos |
112 | White-backed Vulture | Gyps africanus |
113 | Rueppell’s Griffon | Gyps rueppelli |
114 | Bateleur | Terathopius ecaudatus |
115 | Black-chested Snake-Eagle | Circaetus pectoralis |
116 | /Booted Eagle/ | Hieraaetus pennatus |
117 | Tawny Eagle | Aquila rapax |
118 | /Steppe Eagle/ | Aquila nipalensis |
119 | Verreaux’s Eagle | Aquila verreauxii |
120 | Dark Chanting-Goshawk | Melierax metabates |
121 | Eastern Chanting-Goshawk | Melierax poliopterus |
122 | /Western Marsh Harrier/ | Circus aeruginosus |
123 | African Marsh Harrier | Circus ranivorus |
124 | Montagu’s Harrier | Circus pygargus |
125 | /Black Kite/ | Milvus migrans |
126 | Yellow-billed Kite** | Milvus aegyptius |
127 | African Fish-Eagle | Icthyophaga vocifer |
128 | Augur Buzzard | Buteo augur |
Owls: Strigidae |
129 | Pearl-spotted Owlet | Glaucidium perlatum |
Mousebirds: Coliidae |
130 | Speckled Mousebird | Colius striatus |
131 | Blue-naped Mousebird | Urocolius macrourus |
Hoopoes: Upupidae |
132 | /Eurasian Hoopoe/ | Upupa epops |
Woodhoopoes and Scimitarbills: Phoeniculidae |
133 | Abyssinian Scimitarbill | Rhinopomastus minor |
Hornbills: Bucerotidae |
134 | African Gray Hornbill | Lophoceros nasutus |
135 | Northern Red-billed Hornbill | Tockus erythrorhynchus |
136 | Von der Decken’s Hornbill | Tockus deckeni |
Kingfishers: Alcedinidae |
137 | African Pygmy Kingfisher | Ispidina picta |
138 | Gray-headed Kingfisher | Halcyon leucocephala |
139 | Woodland Kingfisher | Halcyon senegalensis |
140 | Brown-hooded Kingfisher | Halcyon albiventris |
141 | Striped Kingfisher | Halcyon chelicuti |
Bee-eaters: Meropidae |
142 | White-fronted Bee-eater | Merops bullockoides |
143 | Little Bee-eater | Merops pusillus |
144 | /White-throated Bee-eater/ | Merops albicollis |
145 | |European Bee-eater| | Merops apiaster |
Rollers: Coraciidae |
146 | /European Roller/ | Coracias garrulus |
147 | Lilac-breasted Roller | Coracias caudatus |
148 | Rufous-crowned Roller | Coracias naevius |
African Barbets: Lybiidae |
149 | Red-and-yellow Barbet | Trachyphonus erythrocephalus |
150 | D’Arnaud’s Barbet | Trachyphonus darnaudii |
151 | Red-fronted Barbet | Tricholaema diademata |
152 | Spot-flanked Barbet | Tricholaema lacrymosa |
153 | Black-throated Barbet | Tricholaema melanocephala |
154 | White-headed Barbet | Lybius leucocephalus |
Woodpeckers: Picidae |
155 | Cardinal Woodpecker | Dendropicos fuscescens |
156 | Nubian Woodpecker | Campethera nubica |
Falcons and Caracaras: Falconidae |
157 | Pygmy Falcon | Polihierax semitorquatus |
158 | /Eurasian Kestrel/ | Falco tinnunculus |
159 | Greater Kestrel | Falco rupicoloides |
160 | Gray Kestrel | Falco ardosiaceus |
161 | Lanner Falcon | Falco biarmicus |
162 | Peregrine Falcon | Falco peregrinus |
Parrots: Psittaculidae |
163 | Fischer’s Lovebird | Agapornis fischeri |
Cuckooshrikes: Campephagidae |
164 | Black Cuckooshrike | Campephaga flava |
Wattle-eyes and Batises: Platysteiridae |
165 | Chinspot Batis | Batis molitor |
Bushshrikes: Malaconotidae |
166 | Black-backed Puffback | Dryoscopus cubla |
167 | Black-crowned Tchagra | Tchagra senegalus |
168 | Brown-crowned Tchagra | Tchagra australis |
169 | Tropical Boubou | Laniarius major |
170 | Slate-colored Boubou | Laniarius funebris |
171 | Rosy-patched Bushshrike | Rhodophoneus cruentus |
172 | Sulphur-breasted Bushshrike | Telophorus sulfureopectus |
Drongos: Dicruridae |
173 | Fork-tailed Drongo | Dicrurus adsimilis |
Monarch Flycatchers: Monarchidae |
174 | African Paradise-Flycatcher | Terpsiphone viridis |
Shrikes: Laniidae |
175 | /Red-backed Shrike/ | Lanius collurio |
176 | /Isabelline Shrike/ | Lanius isabellinus |
177 | |Lesser Gray Shrike| | Lanius minor |
178 | Gray-backed Fiscal | Lanius excubitoroides |
179 | Long-tailed Fiscal | Lanius cabanisi |
180 | Taita Fiscal | Lanius dorsalis |
181 | Northern Fiscal | Lanius humeralis |
182 | White-rumped Shrike | Eurocephalus ruppelli |
Crows, Jays, and Magpies: Corvidae |
183 | White-necked Raven | Corvus albicollis |
Tits, Chickadees, and Titmice: Paridae |
184 | Red-throated Tit | Melaniparus fringillinus |
Larks: Alaudidae |
185 | &Chestnut-backed Sparrow-Larkl | Eremopterix leucotis |
186 | Fischer’s Sparrow-Lark | Eremopterix leucopareia |
187 | White-tailed Lark | Mirafra albicauda |
188 | Rufous-naped Lark | Mirafra africana |
189 | &Short-tailed Larkl | Pseudalaemon fremantlii |
African Warblers: Macrosphenidae |
190 | Northern Crombec | Sylvietta brachyura |
191 | Red-faced Crombec | Sylvietta whytii |
Cisticolas and Allies: Cisticolidae |
192 | Yellow-bellied Eremomela | Eremomela icteropygialis |
193 | Gray Wren-Warbler | Calamonastes simplex |
194 | Green-backed Camaroptera | Camaroptera brachyura |
195 | Rattling Cisticola | Cisticola chiniana |
196 | Ashy Cisticola | Cisticola cinereolus |
197 | Zitting Cisticola | Cisticola juncidis |
Reed Warblers and Allies: Acrocephalidae |
198 | /Great Reed Warbler/ | Acrocephalus arundinaceus |
Swallows: Hirundinidae |
199 | Banded Martin | Neophedina cincta |
200 | Rock Martin | Ptyonoprogne fuligula |
201 | /Barn Swallow/ | Hirundo rustica |
202 | Wire-tailed Swallow | Hirundo smithii |
203 | /Western House-Martin/ | Delichon urbicum |
204 | Lesser Striped Swallow | Cecropis abyssinica |
Bulbuls: Pycnonotidae |
205 | Northern Brownbul | Phyllastrephus strepitans |
206 | Common Bulbul | Pycnonotus barbatus |
Sylviid Warblers, Parrotbills, and Allies: Sylviidae |
207 | Banded Parisoma | Curruca boehmi |
White-eyes, Yuhinas, and Allies: Zosteropidae |
208 | Pale White-eye | Zosterops flavilateralis |
Laughingthrushes and Allies: Leiothrichidae |
209 | Rufous Chatterer | Argya rubiginosa |
210 | Scaly Chatterer | Argya aylmeri |
211 | Black-lored Babbler | Turdoides sharpei |
212 | Northern Pied-Babbler | Turdoides hypoleuca |
Oxpeckers: Buphagidae |
213 | Red-billed Oxpecker | Buphagus erythrorynchus |
Starlings: Sturnidae |
214 | Wattled Starling | Creatophora cinerea |
215 | Violet-backed Starling | Cinnyricinclus leucogaster |
216 | Red-winged Starling | Onychognathus morio |
217 | Hildebrandt’s Starling | Lamprotornis hildebrandti |
218 | Rueppell’s Starling | Lamprotornis purpuroptera |
219 | Superb Starling | Lamprotornis superbus |
220 | Greater Blue-eared Starling | Lamprotornis chalybaeus |
Thrushes and Allies: Turdidae |
221 | Abyssinian Thrush | Turdus abyssinicus |
Old World Flycatchers: Muscicapidae |
222 | |Spotted Flycatcher| | Muscicapa striata |
223 | African Gray Flycatcher | Bradornis microrhynchus |
224 | Pale Flycatcher | Agricola pallidus |
225 | Southern Black-Flycatcher | Melaenornis pammelaina |
226 | Red-backed Scrub-Robin | Cercotrichas leucophrys |
227 | Cape Robin-Chat | Cossypha caffra |
228 | Rueppell’s Robin-Chat | Cossypha semirufa |
229 | White-browed Robin-Chat | Cossypha heuglini |
230 | Collared Palm-Thrush | Cichladusa arquata |
231 | Spotted Morning-Thrush | Cichladusa guttata |
232 | /Rufous-tailed Rock-Thrush/ | Monticola saxatilis |
233 | Mocking Cliff-Chat | Thamnolaea cinnamomeiventris |
234 | Northern Anteater-Chat | Myrmecocichla aethiops |
235 | /Northern Wheatear/ | Oenanthe oenanthe |
236 | Capped Wheatear | Oenanthe pileata |
237 | /Isabelline Wheatear/ | Oenanthe isabellina |
238 | /Pied Wheatear/ | Oenanthe pleschanka |
239 | Familiar Chat | Oenanthe familiaris |
240 | Abyssinian Wheatear | Oenanthe lugubris |
Sunbirds and Spiderhunters: Nectariniidae |
241 | Eastern Violet-backed Sunbird | Anthreptes orientalis |
242 | Collared Sunbird | Hedydipna collaris |
243 | Scarlet-chested Sunbird | Chalcomitra senegalensis |
244 | Beautiful Sunbird | Cinnyris pulchellus |
245 | Variable Sunbird | Cinnyris venustus |
Weavers and Allies: Ploceidae |
246 | White-headed Buffalo-Weaver | Dinemellia dinemelli |
247 | Speckle-fronted Weaver | Sporopipes frontalis |
248 | White-browed Sparrow-Weaver | Plocepasser mahali |
249 | Lesser Masked-Weaver | Ploceus intermedius |
250 | &Chestnut Weaverl | Ploceus rubiginosus |
251 | &Cardinal Queleal | Quelea cardinalis |
252 | &Red-billed Queleal | Quelea quelea |
253 | Southern Red Bishop | Euplectes orix |
254 | Yellow Bishop | Euplectes capensis |
255 | Yellow-mantled Widowbird | Euplectes macroura |
Waxbills and Allies: Estrildidae |
256 | Black-and-white Mannikin | Spermestes bicolor |
257 | African Silverbill | Euodice cantans |
258 | &Cut-throatl | Amadina fasciata |
259 | Purple Grenadier | Granatina ianthinogaster |
260 | Red-cheeked Cordonbleu | Uraeginthus bengalus |
261 | Blue-capped Cordonbleu | Uraeginthus cyanocephalus |
262 | Red-billed Firefinch | Lagonosticta senegala |
Indigobirds: Viduidae |
263 | Pin-tailed Whydah | Vidua macroura |
264 | Eastern Paradise-Whydah | Vidua paradisaea |
265 | Steel-blue Whydah | Vidua hypocherina |
266 | Straw-tailed Whydah | Vidua fischeri |
267 | Village Indigobird | Vidua chalybeata |
Old World Sparrows: Passeridae |
268 | House Sparrow | Passer domesticus |
269 | Kenya Rufous Sparrow | Passer rufocinctus |
270 | Northern Gray-headed Sparrow | Passer griseus |
271 | Swahili Sparrow | Passer suahelicus |
272 | Chestnut Sparrow | Passer eminibey |
Wagtails and Pipits: Motacillidae |
273 | African Pied Wagtail | Motacilla aguimp |
274 | African Pipit | Anthus cinnamomeus |
275 | Plain-backed Pipit | Anthus leucophrys |
276 | Yellow-throated Longclaw | Macronyx croceus |
277 | Pangani Longclaw | Macronyx aurantiigula |
Finches, Euphonias, and Allies: Fringillidae |
278 | Yellow-fronted Canary | Crithagra mozambicus |
279 | White-bellied Canary | Crithagra dorsostriatus |